Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Atlanta Asian Spa Shootings

The media is characterizing these shootings as Asian racist attacks.

I believe this tragedy probably has more to do with potential illegal sex activity at those locations.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

John Merrill Sex Scandal And The Ties of Corruption

    This story concerns each and every one of you.  It illustrates the immense power and corruption of our two party system, our media, and the innocent victims.  This is not about the sexual affair of a high level Christian Republican Politician who is running for Secretary of State.  Its about the cover-up, the aftermath, the people who own them, our rights, and how this all effects every one of us.


    In 2010, I ran against John Merril for Alabama House of Respresentatives, District 62.  As the November election neared, I began receiving audio and pieces of transcripts which revealed that John Merril was having an affair with a teacher from Northside.  GOP insiders confirmed this as fact. Pretty much everyone who was involved in politics knew about this.
   My supporters wanted me to go public with this information but I refused.  I did not think it was anyone's business nor did I want to engage in a mud slinging campaign. The parties involved had children and the results would do nothing more than make things worse for these families.  Despite my objections, some of my supporters tried to break the news to local media and specifically to the Tuscaloosa News without my knowledge at the time.  They later explained their reasons for going forward as follows:

1.  John Merrill's position as Public Relations Officer with the school board had been terminated due to budget cuts, yet the school board continued to allow him to hold the position, pay him $76,000 in tax payer money to campaign against us.

2.  John Merrill had campaigned on a religious platform by proclaiming himself as a devout Christian in order to receive votes from the Church.

3.  They feared that if the information did not get out, that any special interest group (specifically the AEA) would own him.

   On election day, the Constitution Party of Alabama Chairman and I were at the Bobby Miller Center waving signs.  Alongside us were candidates and other campaigns doing the same.  School Board candidates and others approached us to tell us about John Merrill's affair and stated that it occurred on school grounds while he and the teacher were on the clock at the expense of the tax payer.  This gives new meaning to "Double Dipping".  These people were shocked that the media did not break this story wide open.  This was really no surprise to us.  The Tuscaloosa News had reported that Merrill was running unopposed after, Ed Patterson, the Democrat candidate dropped out of the race.  This, despite the fact that I spoke with the reporter for 20 minutes in front of my campaign booth at the 2010 Tuscaloosa TEA Party, which I helped organize.  Our supporters bombarded the newspaper with emails and the Tuscaloosa News made up for it by publishing a new article about my campaign and treated me fairly thereafter.  Of course, in the end, they publicly endorsed John Merrill in an article just days before the election.
      I sat on this information for four years.  I never shared any of the audio or bits of transcripts which were given to me.  I had no way to authenticate these since they were uncited bits and pieces.  More importantly, I really didn't think it was anyone's business.  I considered John Merrill somewhat of a friend.  He met my children, and I had photos taken of him holding my children and of them at his desk.  Recently, additional evidence was given to me which answered a lot of questions and put the spotlight on an even bigger scandal.

Court Corruption- More of Your Rights taken

    John Merrill is now running for Alabama Secretary of State.  Just days before the June 3rd election, a full court transcript detailing John Merrill's affair has been circulating around social media.  The transcript was posted over a year ago.  Three days ago the page only had 99 views, now its up to over 500.  The transcript

 is a court deposition in a Tuscaloosa County divorce case DR-2010-544 which involves the woman whom John Merrill had the affair with.  The entire case has been unlawfully sealed by a Tuscaloosa County judge.  Lobbyists have also confirmed to us that several other legislators had their own divorce cases sealed.  Wouldn't it be nice if we all could have that elite privilege. 

The Alabama Supreme Court has held:

"It has long been the rule of this State to allow public inspection of judicial records.Brewer v. Watson, 61 Ala. 310, 311 (1878). More than a century ago, this Courtheld that "[a]n inspection of the records of judicial proceedings kept in the courts of the country, is held to be the right of any 1015*1015 citizen." Id. at 311; see also Ex parte Balogun, 516 So.2d 606, 612 (Ala.1987) (holding that "the public generally has a right of reasonable inspection of public records required by law to be kept",- Holland v. Eads, 614 So. 2d 1012 - Ala: Supreme Court 1993

Article I, Section 13 states "That all courts shall be open".  

The Federal Courts have held:

 Unwarranted restriction of court documents hampers the public's ability to act as an important check on judicial integrity. See Brown & Williamson, 710 F.2d at 1179; see also Wilson v. Am. Motors Corp., 759 F.2d 1568, 1570 (11th Cir. 1985) (observing that "trials are public proceedings" and that access to court records preserves "the rights of the public, an absent third party"). In the Sixth Circuit, courts approach protective order motions with a presumption in favor of public access to judicial records. See, e.g., In re Perrigo Co., 128 F.3d 430, 447 (6th Cir. 1997). Similarly, the Judicial Conference disfavors the sealing of civil cases, except as a last resort. See Judicial Conference of the United States, Preliminary Report Judicial Conference Actions (September 13, 2011) (adopting a policy of sealing case files only where "required by statute or rule or justified by a showing of extraordinary circumstances and the absence of narrower feasible and effective alternatives . . . so that sealing an entire case file is a last resort"). -FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, AS RECEIVER FOR AMTRUST BANK, Plaintiff,
v.OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY Defendant.Case No. 1:11-CV-00371.
United States District Court, N.D. Ohio 2011.

It doesn't stop here, the Tuscaloosa County Clerk has denied us public access to all records, claiming they were never given a password from Montgomery to operate the public access computer in their lobby.  Same situation reported in other counties.  The State of Alabama is intentionally denying public access to hide acts of corruption, unequal treatment of citizens, unlawful judicial orders, and corruption within the Courts.  Although you and I do not have access to these records, all attorneys, the media, politicians, many political action committees, and various organizations do have access through the States Ala File system.

How can the public oversee the judicial process if everything is done in secret?
How can the public ensure that Courts are treating differently citizens equally?
How can the public monitor the rulings of elected judges and actions of elected district attorneys if their work is done in secret?
How can the public make a decision on whether to keep a judge or district attorney in office?

On a personal note: I was going through a brutal family court battle of my own at this time.  Both family court judges were involved in my case.  One of these judges sealed the case involving John Merrill.  Did this same judge take inappropriate action in my case because I was running against John Merrill?

Alabama Bar Association- The Shadow government

The Alabama BAR Association has scandalous evidence on State legislators.
These same people actively engage in the legislative process to increase their financial interests.
How much power do you really have as citizen?
Is our government really a Republic form of government with three separate branches or is it an oligarchy controlled by special interests?

During the past four years, political insiders have been warning that the Alabama Bar Association leadership was using information from court cases involving legislators in order to leverage their support or opposition for certain bills encompassing many issues such as education and family law.  Essentially they were claiming that the attorneys had gained influence in all three branches of government (violating separation of powers doctrine) for financial gain and were unlawfully obtaining millions of your tax dollars.  Convincing evidence of this occurred in 2011 with their reaction to the Introduction of The Alabama Children's Family Act.  The transcripts from the John Merrill affair provided an important link.   The attorney for the divorcing husband and the one asking the questions in the transcripts was the Alabama Bar Association President, Alyce Spruell. 

                                                                        In 2011, Senator Paul Bussman introduced the Alabama 
  Children's Family Act.  This law was written by Constitutional law attorneys and supported by the nation's top psychologists in the area of child custody and visitation.  The bill had an astounding 21 out of 35 co-sponsors, more than any other bill. The bill would overturn the State's current default of standard visitation, ensure children had equal time with fit both parents except under extraordinary circumstances, reduce court cases and comply with the recommendations of the nation's leading researchers on the issue of custody and visitation.  Alyce Spruell would be the one to single-handedly kill the bill.  Ms. Spruell walked into Sen. Bussmans office, then into Senate Pro Temp Del Marsh's office and immediately they stopped supporting their own bill.  Many people were asking how she had the power to oppose the majority will of the people.  Lobbyists present that day stated that she had information regarding several legislators court cases.  One sealed case was reportedly of Sen. Paul Bussman in which allegations were made regarding misconduct towards his dental patients.  I asked Mr. Bussman about this.  He venomously denied this and threatened to sue me if I ever talked about it.  This wasn't the first time we witnessed the Bar Association flex its political muscle.  The first time I witnessed it on this very same issue was in 2009.
     Alabama's Equal Custody Statute Ala Code 30-3-150 states: 

 Joint Custody. It is the policy of this state to assure that minor children have frequent and continuing contact with parents who have shown the ability to act in the best interest of their children and to encourage parents to share in the rights and responsibilities of rearing their children after the parents have separated or dissolved their marriage. Joint custody does not necessarily mean equal physical custody.          

    Unfortunately, the Alabama Supreme Court has defined "frequent and continuing" to mean 4 days per month and only 80 out of 365 days of the year.  Parents have been pushing for family law reform for over a decade. The social science data clearly shows that this system is failing our children, our society as a whole, and costing our State millions of dollars.

  In 2008, the Alabama Legislature acknowledged these problems and created the Family Law Task Force with the passage of House Joint Ruling 30, to address these issues.  The Ruling stated the following:

 "WHEREAS, the domestic relations and family law statutes of the State of Alabama are in many instances antiquated,"

"The goal of the task force shall be to recommend ways to revise and modernize Alabama's laws to more accurately reflect the needs of families, children, and victims of domestic violence."

   The Task Force was dominated by leaders of the Alabama Bar Association.  Family Rights advocates were allowed to have only one person serve on this Task Force.  During a Proclamation Signing with Governor Bob Riley, we asked him if he would use his appointment for another family rights advocate who was a doctorate with the University of Alabama.  After a few subsequent discussions, Governor Riley agreed.  
   At the first meeting in 2009, there were so many people advocating for family law reform that they had to move the meeting to the larger "Star Wars" room.  Representative Greg Wren, Chairman of the Task Force, exclaimed that this was the most people from the public that he had ever seen attend any committee meeting.  Rep. Wren stated that due to overwhelming public interest he would hold the Task Force meetings across the State so that more people would have an opportunity to attend (This never happened).
   Citizens stated that they wanted  the Task Force to review evidence for equal custody laws.  Members of the Bar Association lashed back by arrogantly stating, "equal custody will never happen in this State".  Despite this, Rep. Wren accepted a proposal to have Dr. Jonathan Gould, leading child psychologist and author, speak before the Task Force. Dr. Gould volunteered to come speak to the Task Force and give an independent opinion for free.
     While travel arrangements were being                                                           
finalized, I received an email from Rep. Wren's secretary, Kristen Rector, informing me nicely that they did not want to hear what this expert had to say.  The email was bizarre and inconsistent with our previous conversations.  She cited that they could not reimburse him for his travel and that they had sufficient expertise on the Task Force to address the issues regarding the child's psychological best interests.  First off, his airline tickets and lodging were already paid for.  Second, with the exception of the U of A Doctorate in Social Work (who was a family rights advocate) there was no one even close to being qualified to address such matters.
     Immediately afterwards, the Task Force used a loop hole in the Alabama Open Meetings Act.  They broke into "working groups" and kept all discussions out of public view.  They also excluded the only two people with no personal financial interest, who were independently advocating for the children, out of those working groups.  The Task Force eventually dismissed without accomplishing 90% of its legislative objectives.
     In 2010, renewed hope emerged for Family Law reform.  During the April Tuscaloosa TEA Party event, every politician vowed to support the family rights groups.  Most of the representatives of these groups in attendance were woman.  ALFRA State President, Holly Wales, gave a teary eyed speech which moved the crowd.  Alabama Supreme Court Justice Bolin even pulled out a picture of his children from his wallet and said "nothing gets between this".  Robert Bentley, Roy Moore, John Merrill, Bill Poole and Michael Bolin were all in attendance and promised to help the children of divorce and separation.
     During this time, Paul Bussman was running for State Senate.  He was getting beaten up pretty bad regarding his own custody and child support case.

     I called Paul Bussman and ask him about his own experiences to see if he would support Family Law Reform.  He explained that the allegations in the commercial were false and that he would do anything to support family law reform.  I and others began drumming up votes for his campaign.  He was elected in November 2010.
     Afterwards, Paul Bussman began attending Family Rights meetings along with Representative Kurt Wallace.  They stated that the Bar Association had painted these groups as "a bunch of angry dads" and they saw that this was far from the truth.  Both legislators vowed to sponsor a bill in the 2011 session.  They were put into contact with Constitutional Law attorneys outside of the State and the nation's top child psychologists.  
     After the bill was introduced, Alyce Spruell led opposition against the bill.  With 21 out of 35 State Senators sponsoring the bill it seemed like an impossible task. in April 2011 a public Senate Committee meeting was held regarding this bill.  Alyce Spruell led a gamete of opposition including sitting family court judges, lawyers and domestic violence victims.
     What does domestic violence have to do with the bill? Nothing, because the law didn't apply in cases of domestic violence.  The real kicker occurred when the Alabama Domestic Violence Coalition President spoke.  She testified that equal custody was bad because its not a matter of whether a divorced dad is going to be an abuser, its a matter of when.  The comment invoked gasps throughout the packed room.
     Jefferson County family Court Judge,  Julie Palmer,  testified that granting more than 4 days of visitation would be bad for the children because it would interfere with the child's daily routine.  Judges are part of the judicial branch of government not the legislative.  Her presence there was a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Doctrine.  It also illustrated why such law was needed.  The outcome of your custody visitation case has more to do with what judge you have as opposed to what is best for the child.
     Attorneys with the BAR Association testified and echoed the sentiments that equal custody was bad for children.  The real reason attorneys opposed the bill was because it required parents to try and work together.  The bill would have significantly reduced the profits of the divorce industry.  This just didn't sit well with Alyce Spruell and the BAR Association.  As added proof of this fact, this same group supported and lobbied for the Grand Parent's Rights Bill which passed during the 2014 Session.  This bill allows any grandparent who has spent four days per month with their grandchild to file for visitation, provided the child's parents are divorced or separated.  Now, in a typical divorce case, you won't just have two attorneys involved, you can now have over 4 attorneys involved representing the grandparents as an additional party to the case.  I think this is what attorneys call "job creation".  They had a problem with children spending more than 4 days per month with their biological parent, but they have no problem with the child spending an additional 8 days away from the custodial parent as long as its with the grandparents.  What's not stable and consistent with that?   This will quadruple court costs for the parents.  Already, divorcing couples are planning to have their parents file as a party to the divorce case in an effort to increase court costs for the other parent to the point where they won't be able to continue.
     Despite the opposition, the Alabama Children's Family Act passed through the Committee. However, after Alyce Spruell spoke with the Senate Pro Temp, attorneys were assured that the bill would never go to the floor for a debate or a vote. The BAR Association led a misinformation campaign to sway public support away from the bill.  They lied, stating that the bill would require the child to spend one year with one parent and the next with the other; causing the child to switch schools every year.  The legislators who sponsored the bill looked like boxers taking a dive.  They didn't set the record straight, nor did they bring the psychologists into the conversation.   At no time were the psychologists invited to speak.  There was never a a public debate on the issue.  Its was the BAR Associations way period.  Whatever they wanted, they got.    

The Alabama BAR Association is a regulatory and licensing agency for attorneys, yet they now legislate law.      

    The following year, the legislators required the Alabama Children's Family Act to be mediated by the Alabama BAR Association, the same people who opposed the bill in the first place.  Where have the people of this State given a regulatory and licensing agency for a labor group legislative authority?   In fact, many laws now must have approval by the Alabama BAR Association prior to going to the floor for a vote.  They are not even hiding this violation of our State Constitution anymore.

"State bar officials said they also will help facilitate discussion among legislators and stakeholders about the Alabama Children's Family Act, the taxpayers' bill of rights/Alabama Tax Appeals Commission Act and other bills during the session, the release said."    http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2012/02/alabama_state_bar_calls_on_leg.html  

Where's the Money?

     Prior to being elected into office, John Merrill was President of the Children's Trust Fund.  This Fund is a depository for State and Federal Grant money to be used for various children programs.  One program is administered through the Alabama Office of The Courts and requires the State to create parenting plans in order to increase parental involvement for divorced children. Several million dollars are spent on these programs. This is something that the Alabama Children's Family Act would have done for free.  The problem is that no one knows where the money is going, especially since the State does not implement parenting plans which increase parental involvement.

    Additionally, the State spends over $70 Million per year under Title IV-D of the Social Security Reform Act for its child support enforcement program.  The law requires that this money be used only in cases where the non-custodial parent fails to pay support.  State attorneys, judges, and the Alabama Department of Human Resources receive money based on the amount of child support collected.
    These officials are now allowing State attorneys to sit in on regular divorce cases where the parents are represented by their own privately hired attorneys in order to increase the State and Federal funding they receive.  Attorneys for these parents have made deals with the State attorneys to steal this money from you.  During a divorce case, the private attorney will contact the State attorney.  The private attorney will litigate the entire case paid by their client.  The State attorney will file forms with the Federal government designating the case as a child support enforcement case, even though no enforcement was taking place.  This attorney will receive reimbursement for time credited to the case even though they did nothing in the case.  The State will also receive a bonus when the child support is collected.  Judges receive some of this money.
     Legislators know this is going on and have done nothing to stop it.  Afterall, whats a few million dollars among friends.

The State began limiting access to public court records after this issue was brought to the forefront.  They did not want more evidence of this going public.  

Federal Investigation covered up by State officials

    Not too long ago, I was contacted by persons having information regarding unlawful conduct of legislators.  I used a contact in DC to initiate a Federal Investigation into the matter.  During this investigation a State legislator admitted that he and many others were being paid by the AEA (teachers union) to pass legislation that the union wanted.  There was more evidence in this case than the Bingo Scandal years ago.  Despite this, the federal prosecutor failed to prosecute citing that this was more of a State issue and a violation of State law.  The investigation was turned over to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation and the Alabama Ethics Commission.  What happened next?  Absolutely nothing.  None of the witnesses were interviewed, no investigation was conducted, absolutely nothing.   I spoke with an out of State FBI agent with the Public Corruption Division regarding this.  The agent told me that if they prosecuted every corrupt legislator in Alabama, we would no longer have a State government.  The agent told me that most likely, too many legislators were involved and that prosecuting them would not be in the best interests of the citizens.

The Price of Being a Whistleblower

 Roger Shuler is an Alabama Independent Journalist who runs a blog called Legalschnauzer which exposes Alabama corruption.  In late 2013 he posted a blog exposing an alleged sex scandal involving Robert Riley JR, Governor Bob Riley's son, and a Montgomery lobbyist.  Robert Riley sued Roger Shuler.  During the court case, attorneys for Riley violated the Rules of  Civil Procedure in providing proper service of the lawsuit.  Schuler maintains that a hearing was held without his knowledge in which an arrest warrant was issued.  Schuler was beaten and arrested by police on October 23, 2013.  He would spend five months in jail with no opportunity for bond.  Sex offenders and murders spend less time in jail before being able to bond out.  Mainstream media was mostly silent on this event.  Journalists and Constitutional Rights advocates were in an uproar, yet the major journalist organizations would do nothing.  The ACLU filed a Friend of Court Brief in support of Shuler's case but did nothing else.  http://www.presidentialpuppetry.com/jailed-journalist-sends-shocking-letter-from-birmingham-jail/

  This obvious domestic terrorist made a huge mistake. He faced off with the Riley Dynasty.  The Riley Dynasty is a network of Republicans, Democrats, lobbyists, and corporations who influence laws to enrich their financial interests.  John Merrill is a part of this.  John Merrill is good friends with Robert Riley.  They went to the University of Alabama together and both served as SGA President.  Before I ran for office, government insiders told be that Merrill was selected to run for Governor in 2018.  I was told he would switch parties and run for State House as a Republican in 2010, serve 4 years, run for State-wide office in 2014, and then run for governor in 2018.  So far that information seems pretty dead on.  Now John Merrill has been parading his replacement for House District 62 Rich Wingo around Montgomery shoring up support and money.

   Other whistleblowers have been taken out as well.  Mark Davis, interviewed in the ABC 32 video above, was retaliated against in his own divorce case.  The TN Court of Civil Appeals and the Alabama Civil Court of Appeals (initially) said that it would be detrimental to give his ex-wife full custody of their daughter.  After he began exposing corruption, the Alabama Courts took his equal custody away for no reason and began discrediting him in their court rulings.

  There was no valid child support Order in his case, so Mark paid for his child's needs outright.  He submitted over $20,000 in receipts and had itemized an additional $10,000 in other expenses.  Not only did the Court not credit Mark for any of this money, but he charged him 12% (law only allows 7%), made him pay 6 years of daycare expenses for his twelve year old daughter who hadn't been in daycare for years, pay for his ex-wife and boyfriend's health insurance, and then charged him for attorney fees.  Oh, and he demanded payment of all this immediately.  Normally, a payment structure is set up because well, most reasonable judges understand that people just don't have $26,000 laying around.
He didn't have have the money so he was thrown in jail for 23 days.  While in jail, the $26,000 somehow turned into $34,000.  Many others fighting against the BAR Association and political establishment have met the same fate.

Candidates leveraged

    Leveraging candidates is very common.  Several going against the Riley Dynasty have told me personally that they have been "leaned on" to drop out of various races.  Some political candidates have openly exposed this on their FB Pages. 
Kathy Peterson, who is running for Public Service Commissioner, openly stated that the establishment tried to buy  her off.  She was offered a job with a lucrative
salary to work from home.  All she had to do was
drop out of the race and hand it to her opponent, Jeremy Oden.  Oden had been a State Legislator from 1998 till 2012 when he stepped down to fill a vacancy as Public Service Commissioner.  Oden's website states:  "It is my job to make sure the Alabama rate payer has a voice. In my first 8 months on the job as Commissioner, I have introduced measures that have made public hearings more accessible to Alabamians" .
I really do not think he has done a good job so far. Oden has received endorsements and money from many of the same sources as John Merrill.

The Delusional Party Supporters

    This is so many people suffering at the hands of corruption and not a single person in power will do anything about it.  People will support the corruption of their own party just so the other side doesn't win.  They sell out their own issues in doing so.  After the primaries are over the GOP will fall in line.  The wheel of corruption will continue.

 Do you think the GOP give a damn about stopping about stopping abortion?  Then why don't they pass the Personhood Amendment?  GOP policy advisers told me personally, that the GOP does not want to end abortion because then they won't have that issue to campaign on during the next election.  Yet, Pro Life groups will dump a ton of money into the machine in order to accomplish nothing.

Do you think that the Democrats give a damn about minorities and the impoverished?  If we stopped paying rich State attorneys to sit in on divorce cases and steal public money, we would have enough to pay every family in this State who is receiving welfare, $45,000 per year.

There is really no difference between the Democrats and Republicans.  Candidates switch parties all the time and people vote for them based on whether they have an R or D by their name.

If you think this is bad, imagine how worse it is in DC!

The stuff I mentioned in this article is just the tip of the iceberg of crap created by greedy politicians and their financial interests.  Enough is enough!  Stop voting these assholes into office!  Standup for your rights.  Demand an open and transparent government.  If you see someone suffering, Help them.  Never turn a blind eye to evil.  Stop it dead in its tracks.  Only you can make a difference!

Am I in Danger?

I have been warned to stay away from the John Merrill issue.  I have also been warned against exposing some of the corruption I have mentioned.  I do feel like I have been threatened and that am in danger.  That is why I have written this.  Hopefully some people will realize what is going on and do something about it, though I doubt it.  In the end, I will be standing alone.  Whenever the government comes down on you, they discredit you, and strip you of everything you have.  Those around you tend to flee for the hills.  Regardless of what happens, I will continue standing for my principles of freedom, liberty and the truth.  I will continue to fight for you.  Whatever happens, I am ready.  Lets Roll!




Sunday, February 23, 2014

AL Window Tint Law: Safety or Corruption?

Window tint law? You probably forgot that Alabama even had a window tint law.  Just look at all the SUVs, pickup trucks and minivans. Most of them have tint so dark you can't even see the people inside. So what gives?  

In 1996, the Alabama legislature passed our State's Window Tint Law.  The legislators said it was necessary to protect the brave men and women who enforce our laws and keep us safe.  Many jobs were lost as local tint shops were forced out of business.  The State lost millions in tax revenue which continues even today as a result of this law.  Legislators said this was a small price to pay in keeping our officers safe. Supporters of the bill were concerned about the safety of officers who approached vehicles with dark tint. They claimed that officers could not see if the occupants were reaching for a weapon or concealing contraband.

Alabama Code of Law Section 32-5C-2

Prohibitions against operation of motor vehicle under conditions which reduce light transmission.

Except as provided in this chapter, a person shall not operate a motor vehicle registered in this state under either of the following conditions:

(2) With material or glazing applied or affixed to the rear windshield or the side or door windows which reduce light transmission through the rear windshield or side windows to less than 32 percent or increase light reflectance to more than 20 percent, with a measurement tolerance of at least 3 percent...
This all sounds great, but there is a huge flaw. The law doesn't ban all dark tinted windows, only windows that were tinted by Alabama custom and detailing shops.

Section 32-5C-3
The provisions of Section 32-5C-2 shall not apply to any of the following:
(6) Any other vehicle, the windows or windshields of which have been tinted or darkened before factory delivery or permitted by federal law or regulation.

Chevy Equinoz factory tint 25%
Ford F 150 factory tint 18%
Vehicles like these are exempt from the window tint law.

Most pickup trucks, SUVs and mini-vans come from the factory with window tint that reduces light transmission between 15-25%. This is far lower than the 32% allowed by law for after factory tint. If you purchase a brand new Ford F 150 with no tint and decide later to tint the windows to 18%, you are in violation of the law.  If you haven't been infected by the Zombie Virus, the voice of common sense should be ringing loudly in your ear.  You should be asking:

How does this law make officers safe if most of the vehicles on the road are exempt from it?

Well it doesn't, and the law never had anything to do with officer safety.  It was all about corporate greed.  Remember, the law didn't ban window tint, it just required that you purchased your new vehicle with window tint already on it. During the SUV boom in the early 1990's, there was no $150 option for "floor mats"; instead, there was a $300-600 option for "tinted windows".  Many people were declining this option to save a few bucks.  They would just pay half the price to have their car windows tinted at their local custom shop, which created revenue and jobs for Alabama.  The big boys weren't too happy with this.  

Two very large companies dominated the market in supplying car manufacturers with pre-tinted windows.  These two companies operated as a single joint venture corporation.  They contracted with large lobbyist firms in Alabama in order to get this law passed. People would now be forced to buy their product, instead of paying less for after factory tint at a local Alabama small business. Legislators were bought and local governments were sold on the idea of increased revenue from fining violators of this law.  All the power brokers got on board and they paid to control the media. They knew if they made the law about "officer safety", they could squash their opposition by labeling them as not caring about the brave men and women wearing the badge.  It gets worse!

There is no correlative relationship between vehicle window tint and officer safety.  

After the tint law was passed, a young couple went to Montgomery to investigate who was behind this law and why this law was created.  This couple spoke with the Director of the Alabama Department of Public Safety. The Director boasted about how corporations were giving State officials and the Department money to pass the law.  The couple asked to view all information related to the Window Tint Law.  The Director's secretary led the couple to a small two drawer file cabinet.  What they found was unbelievable!

Buried within the files was a research study paid by the State of Alabama to find a correlation between officer safety and vehicle window tint.  The study had officers approach vehicles with different levels of window tint in a traffic stop scenario.  The would-be criminals would hide contraband and attempt to assault officers as they approached.  Officers were assessed on their ability to detect and defend against these scenarios.  The research concluded that window tint was not a factor at all.

The Alabama Window Tint Law jeopardized officer safety

The definitive factor in the study was the procedure officers used when approaching a vehicle.  In fact, officers were more likely able to defend against an assault when approaching a vehicle with dark tinted windows than vehicles with no tint.  This was due to officers being more cautious and consistently positioning their body behind the driver side window.  

The study strongly recommended that law enforcement agencies implement passenger side approaches during traffic stops. Approaching the vehicle from the passenger side gave the police officer a significant tactical advantage, increased field of view inside the vehicle, and more defensive cover.  Additionally, it greatly reduced the officer's chances of getting hit by a passing car during the traffic stop, which is the number one reason for death and injury during traffic stops.

Instead of making the study public and implementing the recommended procedures, State officials buried it, fearing it would prevent passage of the law.  Over the next few years, several officers would be severely injured as a direct result of not using the passenger side approach as recommended in the study.

The Alabama Window Tint Law serves as a prime example of how easy it is for people to be deceived by emotion.  How simple it is to see the motives of this law, just by reading it.  The fact that this law actually passed, is a testament to the Zombie Apocalypse.  20 years later, things have gotten even worse.  The more evil they get away with, the more confidence they have to continue.  Its your money and your future.  When will you say enough is enough?



Friday, February 14, 2014

Daddy, how did this happen?

Sometimes a 9 year old girl understands more about the world than 99% of adults.

"Daddy, how did things get bad?"

"Well honey, people got too busy with their own lives and trying to get ahead in this world.  They stopped caring and fighting for people."

"But daddy, you and your friends fight for people."

"Yes, but people won't listen and stand up against evil and injustice.  It takes more than a small group of people to beat the bad guys and they know it."

"Daddy, you and your friends should go to the churches.  God's people will help".

"Unfortunately, they have been deceived into thinking that God doesn't want them to question authority or oppose anything that our government does."

"But daddy, you showed me in that Constitution thingy that we are government."

"Yes, but the Bible tells us that we should obey the King and give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

"We don't have a king daddy.  God told Samuel that if we wanted a king that he would be bad and take our stuff and hurt people."

"Baby, you are wiser than you will ever know.  You are right.  That is why the people who created this country made our government a Republic.  They quoted the Book of Samuel and decided that God would be king of our country.  They created a government, of the people and by the people, only to protect us from the bad stuff that God warned about so that we wouldn't hurt each other.  Now people don't want God to be the king of our country.  They want to put their faith in man."

"Its OK daddy.  This just means that Jesus will come soon."

Sunday, February 9, 2014



     Thank you for visiting Truth For Liberty.  Please excuse our mess as we continue to build our sites.  It seems that most of our IT personnel were called off to help with some government healthcare website.  Don't worry though, we will be running full speed soon enough!

     Truth For Liberty is a response to the downward spiral of our political system.  It is a solution to put our government back into your hands.  It might be news to you, but our politicians haven't been very honest.  The Party who claimed "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep" were dead wrong after thousands of Alabamians received notice of their health insurance cancellation.  The "Dare To Defend Our Rights" Party seem to have completely forgotten what rights are.  And you, the tax payer, are paying Billions of dollars more per year due to corruption by government officials.
     Don't worry!  You have the power to fix things.  During the next few months, politicians are going to woo you over with words of "change, hope, jobs, and a brighter future".  Really?  This is beginning to sound like a broken record.  This election year, how about we ask "What specifically are you going to do?".  Do you hear the crickets chirping?
     Over the next few months we are going to expose the dirty deeds and wretched policies of those nice men and women who attend your church and community fish fries.  Hopefully, this will give you something to talk to them about when they come to shake your hand and hold your baby.
     Its not all negative.  We actually have solutions to fix many of the problems.  If we implement all of these solutions, we would save our State Millions if not Billions of dollars per year.  "How can this be?", you ask.  Simple, we don't have lobbyist to suck up to.  We also don't care about money.  Politicians are required to carry out the will of the people.  If they choose not to, they can be impeached.  The problem is that the media dictates public opinion, which is often the opposite of how the majority actual feels.  By petitioning our legislators, we can demand that they enact certain laws and policies despite opposition from high power wealthy lobbyists.
     Our petitions differ from sites like change.org; in that, we meet verification requirements set forth by our State government.  These petitions are valid.  The first solution we plan to petition for is the Right to Rebuild Act.  This law would prevent local governments from enacting ordinances or changes to zoning in the aftermath of a disaster which prevent victims from rebuilding their homes or businesses.  This is a bill that Republicans and Democrats can support.  Stay tuned to see the full legislative text and petition to make this law a reality.